Light Links #3

Light Links #3

Hey y’all! This is the third week of light links, which is a round-up of posts from other Christian blogs that I wanted to share with you this week. Here they are:

3 Awesome Marriage Blogs

17 birthday ideas for the

Ever since I got married, I’ve loved looking at marriage blogs for date ideas and homemaking advice. I found some helpful blogs that I thought I’d share with you. Check out these awesome marriage websites:

1.The Happy Wives Club

This site covers any lifestyle topic you can think of, and it promotes positivity in marriage. Check out their fun section of marriage memes that are perfect for sharing on social media!

2. The Dating Divas

This is my favorite marriage site. There are thousands of date night ideas on their website, and a lot of them come with fun printables. These ideas will help you to have fun and be silly with your spouse. They have some detailed dates, but I especially love their quick, simple ideas like this National Chocolate Chip Cookie Day date.

3. Club 31 Women

This website is especially great for women with children, since it talks a lot about family. I love the article “20 Touches of Beauty–All Under 10 Dollars” that lists simple, inexpensive home decor ideas.

I hope these blogs inspire you! Blessings,



15 Questions I Have While Browsing Pinterest


Oh, Pinterest. What did I do before I met you and began pinning hundreds of complicated hairstyles and recipes that I’ll never make? Where would I be without the disappointment of trying these supposedly-easy hairstyles only to find out that they’re actually insanely difficult? I’ll never know.

As much as I love Pinterest, it can get pretty crazy-making. Here are some other questions I have while browsing:

  • When will mason jars go away?
  • Do I want them to go away?
  • Where do people get pallets to make headboards and tables with?
  • What will people NOT monogram?
  • Where do people get those cool ladders to hang clothes/towels on?
  • Why is it still hard to decide on a date night idea when I’ve pinned hundreds of them?
  • Where do people get old windows to put pictures on?
  • Why are all of the clothes pinned on here so expensive?
  • Wouldn’t it take like half an ink cartridge to print a printable that looks like a chalkboard?
  • Is it safe to put lemon and honey on my face as a face mask?
  • Is chevron finally going away?
  • How can one website hold so many decadent dessert recipes and health tips simultaneously?
  • Do people still think someecards are funny?
  • How many of these funny autocorrect pins are actually real?
  • Why am I still on here? Why am I justifying this by telling myself that it’s productive? I stopped looking at dinner recipes 30 minutes ago!

Light Links #2

Light Links #2

Hey y’all! Every Friday, I round up some awesome blog posts from other Christian blogs to inspire and encourage you. Here are this weeks links:

Have a great weekend!



Romans 12: Embracing God’s Work

-Embracing what God does for you is the best thing you can do for him.-Romans 12-1, The Message

“So here’s what I want you to do, God helping you: Take your everyday, ordinary life—your sleeping, eating, going-to-work, and walking-around life—and place it before God as an offering. Embracing what God does for you is the best thing you can do for him. Don’t become so well-adjusted to your culture that you fit into it without even thinking. Instead, fix your attention on God. You’ll be changed from the inside out. Readily recognize what he wants from you, and quickly respond to it. Unlike the culture around you, always dragging you down to its level of immaturity, God brings the best out of you, develops well-formed maturity in you.” Romans 12:1-2, The Message

I’m so grateful that this morning God spoke to my mom and I as we talked on the phone. Both of us are in a time of waiting in our lives, which can feel so very frustrating. We are both on the job hunt, but all we really want to do is work for ourselves. As I apply for jobs, I realize that I’m not even sure that I want that job, but I feel like I should have a typical job because that’s what is expected of me as a recent graduate. However, God made me a writer. My dream is to be a published author. I want to encourage others in Christ through fiction, devotionals, and my blog. There have been times when I wished that God had made me a nurse or a teacher. But that’s not who he made me to be.

Side note: Did you know that in some nursing classes they practice giving shots to each other? That would be my last class as a nursing student right there. I am not letting someone practice giving shots on me! I’m way too squeamish to be a nurse.

Even though I’ve had times of doubting who God made me to be, I find so much purpose in life when I am true to who He made me to be. I would never be fulfilled as a teacher because that’s not what He has planned for me. By writing, I am showing God that I’m grateful for His purpose for my life. I’m being a good steward of the gift He has given me when I write and encourage. He will bless my writing when I do it to obey Him and serve Him. I love to write–it gives my life meaning and joy. So, who cares if the world says that being a writer is less practical than being a business woman? God told me to be a writer, and he will take care of me as I obey that calling.

“So since we find ourselves fashioned into all these excellently formed and marvelously functioning parts in Christ’s body, let’s just go ahead and be what we were made to be, without enviously or pridefully comparing ourselves with each other, or trying to be something we aren’t.” Romans 12:6, The Message

Gods’ best for me is to be a writer, as He planned for me. His best for you is the purpose He set out for you when He created you. He has awesome plans for you, beloved! He has a purpose for your life that’s bigger and better than you can imagine! Don’t worry about what the world says you should do or how our culture says your life should look. If you follow God’s will for your life, that is the best thing you can do. You will surely have purpose. Focus on Him and do the work He planned for you!

“The only accurate way to understand ourselves is by what God is and by what he does for us, not by what we are and what we do for him.” Romans 12:3, The Message

Light Links #1


Hey y’all! I’m starting a series called Light Links, which is a round-up of links from other Christian blogs that I’ve read recently and would like to share.


3 Awesome Etsy Stores that Sell Christian Clothing

The first thing that comes to mind when you think of sharing the Gospel probably isn’t through your t-shirt, but it actually could be! Maybe someone will see your “Jesus saves, bro” shirt and start a conversation. At the very least, you’ll look stylish. Here are 3 Etsy stores that sell Christian clothes:

  1. Abby and Grace
etsy, $28

This shop has a lot of shirts with fun sayings (one says “I’d rather be a mermaid”). The fonts used look really trendy, too.

2. Southern Roots Company

etsy, $34

Southern Roots has a lot of shirts with verses on them, and some cute Disney ones, too.

3. Set Free Apparel

etsy, $17

I love the name of this shop, and it has cool shirts for guys as well.

Happy shopping!
